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Why fractional outsourcing client acquisition helps business growth

Fractional outsourcing is an on-demand, ad hoc partnership an organization can use for its client acquisition needs. This kind of partnership is ideal for companies that don’t have an internal sales team or need additional support to grow their business.

There are so many organizations struggling to hit their sales goals because their team simply doesn’t have the consistent capacity to prospect and generate leads effectively. In fact, lack of resources, such as staff, funding, and time, remains the biggest obstacle to successful lead generation for 61% of B2B marketers. If that’s a struggle you face, keep reading to learn some of the benefits of fractional outsourcing for client acquisition and how it can help grow your business.

Fractional pricing

By paying a flat monthly fee, this type of partnership gets you the benefits of lead generation and appointment setting without the additional management and overhead of a full-time employee in-house, making it one of the biggest benefits to fractional outsourcing.

There are many outsourced client acquisition partners that offer per lead pricing which on the surface looks like a win-win agreement. However, from our experience, these types of pricing agreements tend to lead to lower quality leads that just barely hit your minimum requirements. In comparison, fractional pricing agreements allow for internal and external teams to work towards the same goal together.


Since this type of partnership is on-demand, the fractional allocation can flex up and down with seasonal sales demand and business needs, saving you from paying a fixed yearly salary of a salesperson you only need for varying times.

Cultural alignment

Because this type of partnership pairs your organization with a dedicated sales manager, you’ll get the benefit of one-on-one calibration meetings, daily feedback emails, and freedom to contact your sales manager as often as you’d like throughout the day. When an external team member is able to feel like they are a part of your team, results skyrocket.

Sales expertise

By working with a client acquisition partner, you gain access to sales expertise gained through campaigns for many businesses just like yours. This extra knowledge has the power to put you much further ahead on your sales initiatives than only relying on your internal team.

How can it help drive business growth?

Fractional outsourcing client acquisition frees you up from the details of lead generation so you can focus on what you do best - closing new business. There are so many types of lead generation campaigns that a partner like this can help you with to grow your business, but here are a few examples:

Cold calling

Cold calling is an exceptionally powerful tool. It’s a strategy that helps lead business owners to introduce their solution to buyers who otherwise may have never heard of them. But did you know that it takes an average of 8 cold call attempts to reach a prospect? This is why this strategy is one of the most avoided campaign types for salespeople - it’s really hard and time-consuming.

It’s a time-tested way to keep the top of the sales funnel full while your closers focus on closing. Not to mention, it’s a useful supplement to the inbound leads that come in from marketing departments. There is simply no strategy that replaces the commitment of dialing through a list and having real conversations with prospects. If this is something you can charge a fractional outsource partner, how much easier would that make your life?

Lead Nurturing

Did you know that 71% of qualified leads are never followed up with? What’s more, those that are followed up with are only touched 1.3 times.

The ideal inbound lead follow-up strategy combines both an urgency in response as well as a committed sales cadence if the prospect does not immediately answer, something internal sales teams don’t always have the capacity for. This is one of the best ways to partner with a fractional outsourcer.

Lapsed Customer Reactivation

The number one reason a customer does not come back is that they are not asked. For those that would but don't, a partner can complement your customer retention approach by offering multiple opportunities.

New products are launched by e-commerce companies rapidly. Occasionally, product upgrades address previous issues significant enough that customers who have purchased before are willing to purchase again. In these instances, targeted sales campaigns focused on the customer’s previous shopping habits can provide an influx of new customers at a lower than average cost per acquisition.

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Surveys and market intelligence

Don’t have a great grasp of your target market? Acquiring high-quality market research is difficult for any company, but can be even more challenging when you have critical business decisions hanging in the balance and need to gather customer feedback quickly. Stacking this project onto someone's already-full desk or attempting to hire someone internally to tackle it can lead to mistakes being made or quality suffering so it’s another great campaign to partner with a client acquisition outsourcer on.

Ready to follow up with your inbound leads and reach them at the right time?

See this content in the original post

Using our expertise in lead generation and sales, we’ve tested several strategies in our own business and on behalf of our clients. Across the board, we found that the ideal inbound lead follow-up strategy requires 2 things:

  1. Urgency in response

  2. Commitment to sales cadence if the prospect does not immediately answer

In this download, you’ll receive:

  • A successful sample sales cadence to get in touch with your leads

  • Details on WHY this works and how it helps your company drive more business.