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Domestic Vs. International Call Center Partners – What’s The Best Option For Customer Experience?

Providing a great customer experience should always be your top priority. And if your business is starting to outgrow your in-house customer support team, it may be time to work with an outsourced call center partner.

When looking for a call center partnership, there are many different things to think about – but one of the biggest decisions you’ll make is choosing between a domestic, US-based call center or working with an international partner. What’s the right choice? Read on to get our take.

The Benefits Of Choosing A Domestic Call Center Partner

Since Incept offers domestic call center services, we may be a little biased. But generally speaking, we think it’s best to work with a US-based company for outsourced customer service. Why? Here are just a few reasons.

  • Fewer communication barriers – With a US-based support center, you don’t have to worry about cultural differences in communication or customers having difficulties understanding certain accents. And since your support reps will be native English speakers, they’ll generally have an easier time communicating with your customers when they call.
    Even though this may seem like a small thing, minimizing friction is important for a great customer experience. According to statistics gathered by Zendesk, over 50% of consumers feel “increasingly stressed and exhausted” when dealing with customer support, and nearly 90% of customers would switch to a different company if it provided a better customer experience.

  • Closer business integration – When you work with an outsourced call center partner, you want it to function as an extension of your brand – and to represent your company properly. Working with a domestic firm means that you can learn more about their business processes, work closely with their team when training new reps, get insights into their workplace culture, and enjoy smoother overall communication.
    It’s also easier to measure KPIs, gather info about call quality, and measure overall performance. This allows you to provide feedback to your partners and improve the customer experience. Also, since you’ll likely be in similar time zones, setting up meetings and training with your domestic call center partner will be much simpler.

  • Boosts your brand’s image and reputation – Since so many companies have switched to international customer support, choosing to work exclusively with a domestic call center partner can be a powerful brand differentiator. One great example of this is Discover Bank. Last year, the company launched a new ad campaign called “Especially For Everyone.” Among other elements of their brand, this campaign emphasizes that Discover offers a fantastic customer experience, and offers 24/7, 100% US-based support for each and every one of their customers.


While domestic call centers have their advantages, international call center partners offer their own set of benefits that can be equally compelling for many businesses.

  • Cost-effectiveness – One of the primary reasons companies choose international call centers is the significant cost savings. Operating costs in many international locations are much lower than in the US, allowing these call centers to offer services at a fraction of the cost. This can be particularly beneficial for companies looking to minimize expenses while maintaining a relatively high level of customer support.

  • 24/7 availability and flexibility – International call centers, especially those located in different time zones, can provide round-the-clock service. This ensures that your customers can receive support at any time of the day or night, which is essential for businesses with a global customer base. Additionally, international call centers often have the flexibility to scale up or down quickly based on your business needs.

  • Multilingual support – If your business serves a diverse customer base with varying language requirements, international call centers can provide the multilingual support necessary to effectively communicate with your customers. This is a crucial advantage for companies operating in multiple countries and regions.

  • Access to a larger talent pool – International call centers can tap into a wider pool of talent, often with specialized skills and expertise. This could lead to improved service quality and innovation in customer support practices.


When deciding between a domestic and international call center partner, it’s important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each option against your specific business needs.

  • Cost vs. Quality: While international call centers can offer cost savings, domestic call centers typically provide a higher level of service quality and closer integration with your business processes.

  • Language and Cultural Considerations: Domestic call centers offer fewer communication barriers and a better understanding of local customer expectations, whereas international centers provide multilingual support and can serve a global customer base effectively.

  • Time Zone and Availability: International call centers can provide 24/7 support due to time zone differences, which may be crucial for global operations. In contrast, domestic centers might have more aligned time zones for easier coordination and integration.

  • Business Integration and Flexibility: Domestic call centers can integrate more closely with your business, offering better oversight and control. International call centers, on the other hand, can offer greater flexibility and scalability to meet changing business demands.

Our recommendation: Combine Self-Service With Domestic Support To Keep Costs Under Control

While there are many benefits to working with a domestic call center partner, there’s one drawback that’s very obvious – cost. There’s no way around it. Choosing a domestic call center will cost you more money than working with an international partner due to the higher cost of living, higher salary expectations, and other such factors.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be paying an arm and a leg to work with a domestic call center partner. Thanks to recent advances and changes in customer preferences, self-service tools like FAQ portals and AI chatbots allow customers to resolve many of their issues on their own – without ever contacting your call center.

According to McKinsey, 65% of customer care leaders report that improved self-service tools have been a “key driver of decreased call volume.” The same study also reports that up to 70% of customer contacts can be automated with tools like FAQs, self-service portals, and AI chatbots.

Customers love self-service portals, too. According to stats gathered by HigherLogic, 79% of customers expect businesses to offer self-service tools, and 92% of customers say they would use a knowledge base to resolve their issues if one is available. The biggest caveat is that your self-service tools must be properly implemented – 77% of surveyed customers also said that offering poor self-service support is “worse than not offering any at all.”

So if you invest in the right self-service tools, the majority of customer issues can be resolved before they even need to call your team – and if there is a complex issue that needs the attention of a real live person, your US-based call center partner will be ready to deliver an exceptional experience. This keeps costs low while ensuring that your customers will be satisfied with the service they receive!

Looking For A US-Based Call Center Partner?

At Incept, we offer a wide variety of outsourced CX solutions. This includes call center services, as well as email support, social media support, live chat, and more! Whether you’re just interested in working with our US-based call center or you want a full suite of outsourced customer experience solutions, we’re here to help.

Thanks to our friendly agents, thorough training, and customized approach, we can offer your customers a truly exceptional experience. Want to learn more? Give us a call at (330) 649-8000 or contact us online for a free, no-commitment consultation. A better customer experience is just a call or a click away!