Why major CX brands are considering kicking bots to the curb

Technology has overwhelmingly eliminated almost 80 percent of inbound issues to the call center, but has radically amplified the level of frustrated first contact calls.  Find how real people impact CX and NPS.

Your brand is cemented by emotional bonds, by having conversations with your customers and allowing your specialists to engage in spontaneous conversation. Some specialists are ditching the script and actually empowered to have conversations for increased first-call resolution. Higher CX scores and increased sales will follow as the industry embraces this model of trust and genuine conversation and kicks the bots to the curb.

Research has shown that customer satisfaction and willingness to recommend the brand are directly related to the customer’s perception of conversation and the overall customer experience. Even the best companies will fall short of their potential if not supported by people and processes. A perfect message delivered by the best tools will not maximize loyalty from your customers, if not delivered by the right person.

The impact of real people on CX and NPS

Customer engagement specialists are the front line in building your customers’ brands. Companies that invest in conversations – true conversations with real people - are reaping the rewards with higher NPS, satisfaction scores and decreases in escalation. For instance, Incept is able to support customers on multiple levels, from simple account questions to detailed technical assistance.  This has been shown to increase customer satisfaction and a first-call resolution by more than 15%.

83% of consumers still prefer human interaction, whether it’s in a digital channel or traditional voice. 

The communication skills that impact NPS and satisfaction

The communication skills of your engagement specialists are directly related to higher NPS and satisfaction scores. They are linked by their ability to convey multiple positive perceptions to the consumer including, friendliness, helpfulness, effectiveness and issue resolution.

A consumer’s perception of the engagement specialists’ communication skills is directly related to the consumer’s willingness to recommend the brand. Meaningful interactions with real people create loyal customers. Bottom line:  Regardless of why a consumer chooses to interact with your brand, the only thing that stands between a positive or negative experience is a human connection.

Incept was charged with conducting conversations with small-to-medium  sized businesses nationwide in order to determine their current hiring strategies, needs and to determine if Monster.com could be a benefit for their organization. The campaign produced more than 7,000  conversations and 500 leads for the next-generation Internet company’s inside sales team.

Conversations come full-circle in the contact center

Chat-bot designed conversations may have a positive impact on efficiency metrics but are often seen by the customer as canned, or shall we say – inhuman (well, duh, they are). The better approach is to go old-school where conversations are thoughtfully designed with delight in mind.

Only real-people who know how to talk, text, chat and email with your customers in a meaningful way drive engagements and results in clear efficiency metrics with consistent positive impact on NPS and CSAT scores. Like the now-iconic iPhone – which has changed the way we live and manage our lives –true conversation can change the way contact centers communicate with customers and how they manage their engagement specialists.

Designing a contact center for communication mastery

Great contact centers aren’t just designed for transactional efficiency – resulting in high NPS and CSAT scores. Great contact centers are designed to create mutual value creation with the customer and engagement specialists. Great contact centers view the consumer as a unique individual and place value on creating communication masters in the call center.

Don’t settle for simply transacting with your consumer as a number, or using well-rehearsed responses through a chat bot. Design a great contact center focusing on conversation and valuing the customer as an individual, and your brand will live on in your customer’s imaginations.