Starting a new relationship with an employee, client, or partner can be daunting. The word onboarding alone may make you cringe. But rest assured, the right partner will help you feel prepared and make the onboarding process as painless as possible.
Struggling to keep your head above water when it comes to customer support? Outsourcing some, most, or all of your company’s customer support may be the right option. But if you don’t have sole decision-making power at your company, you may need to present the case for outsourcing to your CEO or other C-suite executives.
How can you push past common objections, show the benefits of working with a partner, and convince your executive team that outsourced customer support is a good idea? We listed five ways below.
At the The City Club of Cleveland on October 13, 2023, our CEO, Sam Falletta, delivered a compelling speech on the evolving landscape of the workforce. His insights into the systemic changes reshaping our industries captivated the audience, leaving a lasting impact on everyone present. Here, we summarize the key points from his speech, highlighting how these transformations are influencing businesses and employees alike.
Outsourcing customer experience (CX) is a pivotal decision for any organization. Your chosen partner will become the face of your brand, so it’s critical to ensure they align with your company’s values and goals. At Incept Results, we understand the significance of this decision and want to guide you through the process with five essential questions to ask a potential CX partner.
Providing a great customer experience should always be your top priority. And if your business is starting to outgrow your in-house customer support team, it may be time to work with an outsourced call center partner.
Outsourcing customer experience (CX) is more than just a cost-saving measure; it’s an opportunity to enhance service quality and achieve significant business results. Selecting the right partner requires careful consideration. Here are five essential questions to ask to ensure your partner can deliver the outcomes you need.